Thursday, October 7, 2010

Khonghor VBS

VBS at one of the new branch churches....was an absolute blessing of a week- full of joy, giggles and fun!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

summer camp

Three UM churches, a whole bunch of youth, a four-hour train ride into the countryside, two goats, a whole lot of vegetables and the delight of four days of tents, bonfires, mountains and rivers.

Summer camp with the youth was wonderful in every way of the word.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

United Methodist Women Training

May 17-19th brought a three-day training seminar for 50 women from our three congregations. It was led by a group of women who are a part of the United Methodist Women (UMW) in the United States.

The three days were full of discussion and prayer as the women talked about what a women's organization could look like here, how they could go about forming UMW groups in Mongolia and what their dreams were for these groups and the work they could do.

There was also plenty of fun and fellowship- complete with games, a talent show and a craft project.

Since the training, the women have begun working on forming groups at the individual churches and setting the foundation for UMW groups to exist here in Mongolia.

A big thanks to the team of women from the States who came and led the training and blessed us with their presence and enthusiasm.

Some pictures :