Chingletei Mission Center

The Chingeltei Mission Center opened in spring 2009, built in the Chingeltei area, in the midst of one of the sprawling ger districts that spreads out from the city center of Ulaanbaatar. The center sits next to the 57th school and is on the land where Chingeltei UMC moved in November 2006. The church began in April 2006 under the leadership of GBGM missionary Sun Lae Kim and first met in the upstairs of an automobile repair center. A few months later it moved to the current location and met in two gers n the land until the center's construction in 2009. 

The two-story building/center serves at the church's worship and meeting space, as well as holding the offices for Grace Hospice, church and GBGM staff, classrooms and a kitchen.

It is in this space that the ministries and outreaches of the center find their home- serving and engaging the children, youth and adults of the surrounding neighborhood and communities.

Mission Center Outreaches:

Foreign Language classes: Korean classes for beginner and intermediate level students take place weekly on Saturday mornings in the center's library. English classes occur throughout the week, with beginner classes for predominately elementary-age students on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. and intermediate high-school age classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3:30-5 p.m. Both Korean and English classes are offered as an extracurricular supplement to regular school classes.

Computer classes: A computer lab in the center allows community members to utilize them when needed for homework or other projects. Classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for elementary students who want to practice typing or learn how to use various computer programs.

Library: The library is open every day for students to use for studying, meeting to work on projects or homework and to borrow books, videos or other resources from the collection.

Day care center: The center also has a Monday-Friday morning day care center for community children ages 5-6 years old. They come from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day and spend time learning songs, making crafts, learning and practicing basic skills, having a snack and expending lots of energy playing. In the future the hope is to expand the program to full-day, providing more children with a safe space during the day.

After school program: The center is hoping to raise money to begin a formalized after school program for children. This would allow for the employment of a staff member to oversee programs, as well as the provision of supplies, food and other resources.

Senior citizen group: A group for those 50 years and older meets every Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. for a variety of programs, games, fellowship and laughter. The group also participates in joint senior citizen group functions with other local groups.

Chingeltei UMC

Chingeltei UMC began in 2002 in the upstairs of a automobile repair center, later moving to the land where the center now stands. The church has grown in the past 8 years and now has five weekday services.

1 p.m.- Young Adults worship and fellowship
9 a.m.- Children's service
11 a.m.- First worship service
2 p.m.- Youth service
3 p.m.- Second worship service

Outreach, Ministries and Discipleship: 

Soup Kitchen: Twice a week we serve food for community members.
Detention Center Ministry: Three times a week a team of church members go to the neighborhood detention center and lead worship and bible study. The detention center holds those who have been sentenced to shorter term sentences or are awaiting court sentencing.

Literacy class: This class is held three times a week and helps students of all ages gain necessary literacy skills.

Sunday school program: Weekly Sunday school classes for pre-kindergarten through high school ages. Throughout the year there are also Vacation Bible School programs, various retreats and a variety of special children and youth ministry programs.

Bible study: Held weekly on Wednesday and Friday evenings.

Cell groups: Six different cell groups meet weekly

One on one discipleship: This ministry is specifically for the men of the church community.

Teachers seminars: Once a month training meetings for church Sunday school teachers.

Youth discipleship classes: Classes for small groups of youth that meet twice a week for four weeks covering basic Christian beliefs, reflection and worship.

Branch Churches:

Damba UMC: This branch church was established in December 2005 in a community on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar. Damba UMC meets in a ger and is led by a lay leader. Ministries of Damba UMC include a daily day care center and after school program, weekly worship services and other regular ministry activities.

Khonkhor village: The location of a growing community thirty minutes outside of the city center where Chingeltei UMC is planning to plant a new branch church this spring.

Donation Needs:

-Books for library
-Craft supplies for the day care center, Sunday school classes

Financial support:

-Salaries and Utilities
-To purchase clothing for the homeless
-To pay for showers for the homeless
-To begin an after school program
-Scholarships for students
-Sunday school programs
-Children and Youth ministry
-To extend of Detention Center ministries with sewing and computer classes
-To purchase food for the soup kitchen ministry
-Literacy resources
-To purchase of Mongolian hymns and bibles
-To support the new church start in Khonkhor